Ramadan Kareem to all observing.
Palestine Just Trade Inc. is pleased to be in its second season of providing solidarity sales of Palestinian Medjoul Dates . New packaging. New harvest.
Proceeds to the work of Just Peace for Palestine.

2019 pricing; JUMBO size, 900 g, shipped in case of 8 packages at $160. Shipping included anywhere in Canada.
Also four 900g packages for $100 including shipping possible.
Contact: info@palestinejusttrade.ca
An amazing way to support Palestinian producers and workers, and justice for Palestine.
The 2019 fall harvest from Palestine is here, and being shipped across Canada.
Available year round, we are now wanting to be sure you get your orders through out Ramadan 2020.
Send email with name, address, phone to info@palestinejusttrade.ca
Payment made by e-transfer to info@palestinejusttrade.ca
For more details on ordering contact info@palestinejusttrade.ca.
Given Covid-19, Palestine Just Trade has worked to get a plan together that will give you the advantage of ordering directly to your own home at this time, and having product through Ramadan. We will continue to monitor how this will work in the coming weeks, but we encourage you to order early.
With Canada Post services indicating that their normal guarentees are not in place, please ensure early order. Also, we need extra time to arrange safe pick up from the cool storage warehouse, and get product to you.
Medjoul Dates are indigenous to the Jordan Valley in Palestine, and grown only in a couple other places in the world.
A wonderful way to break fast during 2020–with Palestinian Medjoul Dates with benefits going to Palestinian families & justice for Palestine.
Palestine Just Trade Inc. provides a unqiue opportunity to pre-order choice quality Palestinian Medjoul Dates from the Jordan Valley of Palestine just in time for Ramadan 2020.
These Medjoul Dates are 100% Palestinian; grown, harvested, sorted, graded, and packed by a Palestinian Agricultural Organization located in Area C of the Jordan Valley in Palestine.
From Al-Auja Village / Jericho City Palestine. Grading, packaging by
Al-Rwad Company in Jericho
All proceeds from the sale to go the work of Just Peace Advocates supporting justice work for Palestine here in Canada and in Palestine.
Check out more details about Palestine Medjoul Dates HERE