Palestine Just Trade Inc. was established in 2018 to bring distinct, quality Palestinian products into Canada on the basis that all of its activities must support “just” trade related to international law and human rights, and be considered through the len of providing the message of “just peace” in regard to Palestine.
This includes working with social consciousness organizations in Palestine to ensure that the best quality product can be imported to Canada, with proceeds going to the producers and workers in Palestine. Any margins go to Just Peace Advocates, a not-for-profit international human rights organization that is working in Canada, Just Peace Advocates works in partnership with other Canadian groups, as well as with Palestinian and international groups to realize “just peace” for Palestine through projects in Canada and in Palestine.Information on Just Peace Advocates can be found at

PALESTINE JUST TRADE INC. presents “ Medjoul dates delivered to you directly from Palestinian plantations”
Stay tuned for other initiatives of Palestine Just Trade Inc.